Sun 05 Jan
24/7- Pink Passion "Black Portorican Albino" 646 260 2836 Bronx, Yonkers, Manhattan IN & OUT - 19
~~~~!%!¶ Whoever said BLONDES have more fun? Cuz BRUNETTES do it better¶!%!~~~~ - 29
‼️WaRniNG‼️☀️🌀ExOtiC MiXed STriPPeR ViXeN🌀☀️💋HeRe 2 PleAsE💋🍌TaSty to the LaSt DrOp🍌🔵‼️Specials‼️🔵 - 19
(Madison, Madison In and Outcalls)
:::☆:: A Perfect ➓ Gf3/Fetish SPoT ::☆:: _____ *SWEET* __ *CURVY* __ *LATINA*
(*In...Out Call All Nite*Just Arrived!)
do you need money now ? start with us to day. come be a escort - 40
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, all over ny nj pa)
**SeXY Selena!! LeTs GeT NauGHTy!! 100%ReaL Pics! SPeCiaLs ! SPeCiaLs! SPeCiaLs ! ALL DAY ! ** - 22
World Champion C*O*C*K S*UC*KER 36D-26-48 BlG Nippled Uber Blonde I Drain Your Balls & Bust Ur Nut!
(West L.A.-Westwood-Bel Air-Brentwood)
★🔥Sexy Lauren Is back In Town🔥 ★ ★ All Day Specials ★ Call Me NOW!!! Don't Miss Out - 20
(Bronx, Baychester Incall)
PUERTO Rican Seductive Sexy SOPHIA EXOTIC NATURAL 646-481-4629 Incall - 27
(Bronx, East 180st/Morris Park Ave)
Sat 04 Jan
TOP ASIAN ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🍀🍀 929 888 3955 🍀🍀 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ OUTCALL ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 21
(==========OUT CALL======================, Elizabeth, Hoboken / Union City, Jersey City, Newark, North Jersey, Paterson)
❤✨❤✨ Dream Girl✨❤✨❤➡ Real Hottie➡ HIGHLY SKILLED➡ Available Now!! - 21
(Little Rock, LR, NLR, Conway surrounding areas)
*:• ☆ ♥ YuMmY SwEeT *:• ☆ ♥ VaNiLlA TrEaT *:• ☆ ♥ JuIcY SnOw BuNnY - 26
(Little Rock, little rock and surr areas in/out)
¯`'•.¸ ♥▆ █ ♡S E X. X. X. Y ♥█▒ ╠╣OT █ AvAILABLE* N O W ▒ ExOTiC █▒ █▒ REAL ♡█ ▆ —♥ ¸.•'´¯) - 22
(Little Rock)
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock, anywhere you want me!)
Come See Me N The Morning For Great Specialss!! In/Outcall (323) 804 4987 - 41
(Little Rock, Mature 41 Hosting Incall/Outcall Also)
---- Caramel Heaven With Carmen...I Just Arrived ---- - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock and Surrounding Areas)
Guaranteed 2 get 2 ...first , 2nd , and 3rd Base With Me ! {{{ Great Specials Today }}} - 27
****They Call Me PINKY 4 A Reason**** 216-466-4727 Incalls Only - 24
Theres Nothing Above My Pleasure!!ღ Available 24HRS/7Days A Week ღ *216*285*0235* - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALLSღ)
Super sexy blonde! Fun, ready and waiting...and I know what im doing! - 24
(Cleveland, west side of cleveland)
STOP!!!!☀️443-475-0084 late night specials with a Sexy Caribbean vixen💋 Ask for Brooklyn - 26
(Cleveland, Outcalls everywhere in Cleveland)
sexy !!!SEDUCTIVE ++++ mysterious&& intriguing young GODDESS,!,!come play with me - 25
(Cleveland, Newburgh hts)
Outcall Available Now...H-CUPS!!! Busty young and jiggly. Biggest breasts in Cleveland!!! - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ East Suburbs)
The TRUE goddess is back 😍😍😍 Fetish friendly 👅👅 outcalls - 22
(Cherry Hill, Cherry hill, Pennsauken, depford, South Jersey)
📢📢 ReaL pHoToS🎉out calls🎉ac GISELE💗Slim young blonde - 22
(Atlantic City, Atlantic City, Casinos and hotels, out, South Jersey)
SuPER SExxY ***& BUSTY**ExOtiC Goddess HoT**& Ready for ACTION !! Guaranteed TO MAKE UR TOES CURL!!! - 25
*(¯`' ..I KNOW ★ * JUST ★ * WHAT ★ *-YOU ★ *-NEED.. '´¯) 24hrs... - - 22
(Cleveland, Beachwood-271/chagrin)
(Cleveland, High End Outcalls 4PM-2AM Specials)
Hey come and have a good time with diamond I have 30 40 50 roses special all day and all night - 23
(Cleveland, Wickliffe ridgehill)
FLORIDA NEW TAN LINES 2 Days Left Contact me incall/outcall - 35
(Beachwood, Beachwood - Incall/outcall)
(((excotic F.R.E.A.K))) *** SeXy ThiCk LaTiNa *** ★ *HoT ReAdY ★ * ((K[!}NkY)) - 26
(Cleveland, lor@in CoUnTy)
♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥38DD R3D H3AD ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ WELL REVIEWED ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ 70/100/160 $PECIAL$ ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 29
bEaUtY & qUaLiTy ___________ = A = S = I = A = N = ___________ eXpErIeNcEd & fRiEndLY
💗💗💗💗💗 ASIAN PRINCESS 4 U💗💗💓💓💓 S✦P✦I✦C✦Y✦╠╣ot! ✦✿☆✿✦ SeXXXy 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 - - 21
(160X2🌹G🌹F🌹E💞🐣NEVER RUSH!! 🍒kiss➕sh, East Bay, Fremont)
BabBy DoLl excluSiVe , Sexy Thick && Creamy - 20
(Concord, East Bay, Walnut Creek , Berkeley , Pleasant hill)
★ ★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ ★ ★ - 18
(East Bay, Antioch/ Pittsburg/ Oakley/ Brentwood/)
big ............. DELICIOUS ...... ... ... breasts .... boobs.. boobs ... boobs !!!!! - 23
(west la/venice/weho/beverly hills/marina)