Thu 02 Jan
xxx*Labor Day Specials*xxx* Busty Cougar *xxx*Eager 2 Please & Highly Skilled*xxx - 40
(NW BURBS in &out; calls)
💕💕Tired of the fakes?? 100% Real! Quality Seductive Hot Chick Ready For You 🌼🌿✨💦💥💫🌹🌟💋🐇💝 - 24
(Pooler, Savannah)
ThE LoVeLy BeAuTiFuL LiZzY~~~ Asian MiXx~~~ Back In Town Ready To Play!!! - 22
(Rockford, Rockford & Surrounding Areas)
🐾WELL REVIEWED on T3R🐾 INCALLS & OUTCALLS 💫Im feeling a little FrEaKyyyy Today😜 - 28
(Savannah, POOLER)
***Treat Yourself!! Don't Cheat Yourself!!*** Specials 815-733-1121*** - 26
(***Rockford***I90******, Rockford)
Professional Model----Turning FaNASTY into REALity---White Southern Belle - 24
(Columbia, Columbia, SC)
With our Vivid name and your vivid looks, Make $100,000 a year w/o ever getting out of bed! ◄ - 18
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island)
when 2 Independents Live and Work separately but together in The Best Area on NYC- We Become ..... - 35
(Manhattan, E62nd.)
Top Tier Companions/Escorts for VIP Clients Needed ASAP for Premier Boutique Service-The Miami Dolls - 31
(All the USA, Manhattan)
NYC ATTENTION LADIES Now Hiring in your area, FOR Escort Service START TODAY - 21
(Manhattan, NYC Area)
☆[New in Town] Seductive I Sensual I Discrete 《DramaFree》●Carmen Marie ●612.388.8189☆ - 26
(Rochester, Savage and surrounding areas)
model kelly up early abd ready to help u start ur day,in calls only,bush river - 19
(Columbia, columbia south carolina)
UPSCALE 📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒 ((( PINK LADY NOW IN SASKATOON 2 DAYS LEFT! ))) 📒📒📒📒📒📒📒📒 - 50
(Saskatoon, 🔴 IN & OUT 🔴 24hrs! ☎ 403-988-2883 ☎)
WaNnA CoMe OuT ToO pLaY .🍰sweetest White chocolate 🍰🍰! - 40
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs(Westside))
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 PINK LADY! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 YORKTON 2 DAYS! 24HRS! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 HERE ALL WEEKEND! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 - 50
(Saskatoon, 🌸 YORKTON! 🌸 ☎ 403-988-2883 ☎ 2 DAYS!)
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 PINK LADY! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 THANK YOU! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 SASKATCHEWAN! 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 - 50
(Saskatoon, 🌸 SEE YOU VERY SOON 🌸 ☎ 403-988-2883 ☎)
☆_T H _P R F C T_ ☆_C H O i C _ ☆ iF §H§ GOoD ☆ iM BR ! - 19
Misty:Come open up all my gifts ;) ($60 SPEACIALS) Here time LIMITED time ONLY 803-363-9823 - 22
(Columbia, Columbia S.C)
V*I*S*I*T*I*N*G - Your German Princess Is R*E*A*D*Y For You!!! - 26
(Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, & more)
[.Unwrap .] °O°~- [. This.] -~°O° [.Sweet.] °O°~- [. Sexy .] °O° [. Brunette .] °O° [.Treat .] - 22
(Pasco Co, In/Out **W.Pasco/TarponSprings/Holiday**)
Sexy Spirit is back°•°More pics°•° I will make you want me°•°•°°• - 26
(Colorado Springs, COS / incalls-outcalls)
Sweet like Candy 🍬🍭 Smell like ROSES🌹🌹Just made it Intown, Call Now💋📞 - 20
(Madison, Surrounding Areas.)
♥ █ █████ UPsCALe ⭐💦 █ ████ 💋 KiNKY 💗 PaRTY GIRL💞💗💋💜FrEaKY👅 💰💲💸 FeTiSH FriEND💰💸💲💋💜� - 24
(Oklahoma City)
Let SUMMER 🌞 warm you up! I'm aavailable NOW! outcalls only! - 26
(Oklahoma City, NW Okc (will travel))
SPeCiAlS ** Mexican/Puerto Rican/Black ** SeXy PlAyMaTe ~ Late Nites ** In/Out~ - 22
(ALL madison/surrounding area/Outcalls)
specials all day -:¦:-•* DeSiReAbLe• New && °o💖o°• ~IRRISISTABLY~ •°o♥o°● GøRrGeõUs ●°o♥o° 80 &• - 22
(Madison, east town mall)
I'm Back $40qv $60hh $140hr *♚* §PaNkABL€ BoOtie*♚* §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ *♚* FrEaKy ReDhEaD - 24
(Columbia, Worth the drive 😘( Piney Grove ))
Im BaCk Madsion CoMe get iT .............. MADiSoN .......... and BeAms - 25
(Columbia, IN/OUT/CAYCE)
VIP CALLERS ONLY!! Rated 5 stars...A Southern Queen - 31
(Sarasota, Sarasota/Bradenton/Palmetto/Englewood/Ve)
Sexy as hell and just as hot! Need to see you... One of those moods you'll love - 36
(Colorado Springs, incalls/outcalls)
***SEXY NEW PICS Southern girl in Colorado it does not get any better than that Specials!*** - 37
(Colorado Springs)
*_ MYA IS BACK *_ Your #1 EBONY CHOICE *_ 8o Specials - 22
(Colorado Springs, incall / garden of the gods)
MATURE EROTIC ———————— WELL REVIEWED ————————— SEXY VOLUPTUOUS ! ———————— ——————————————— - 31
(CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs, Colorado Springs)
LATIN SEDUCTION to the Fullest! Come unwind and relax your stressful day with me!!! - 27
(Madison West Incall and outcall)
Come get Sum of this Sexy Caramel "Big Apple Booty" 24hr Booty!! #Ya Dreams Came True# - 26
(Atlantic City NJ)